We hope you are as excited as we are for EnANPAD 2024!
We don’t want you to miss out on the most important presentations of this year’s meeting, so check out the list we’ve prepared of the activities offered by ANPAD’s Executive Board (in the Interdivisional tab) and the main activities proposed by the ANPAD Academic Divisions (in the Divisional tab).
Browse and stay tuned for the most prominent panels, roundtables and lectures!
Joint AMLE and AMP Paper Development Workshop activity, open to all participants.
From AMLE:
From AMP:
Joint AMLE and AMP Paper Development Workshop activity, open to all participants.
From AMLE:
From AMP:
Coordenador da Área: Márcio André Veras Machado
Coordenadora Adjunta de Programas Acadêmicos: Claudia Cristina Bitencourt
Coordenador Adjunto de Programas Profissionais: Márcio Lopes Pimenta
(Restricted to participants with approved abstracts)
(Restricted to participants with approved abstracts)
(Restricted to participants with approved abstracts)
Márcio André Veras Machado (Coordinator of CAPES area 27 and PPGA/UFPB)
Claudia Cristina Bitencourt (Deputy Coordinator of Academic Programs in area 27 of CAPES and PUCRS)
Márcio Lopes Pimenta (Deputy Coordinator of Professional Programs in area 27 of CAPES and PPGAdm/UFU)
Moderator: Prof. Emílio José Montero Arruda Filho - ANPAD President-Elect and PPAD/UNAMA and UFPA
Proponent: Oderlene Vieira de Oliveira (PPGA/UNIFOR)
Magda Edwirges Nobre Silva Barros (PPGA/UNIFOR)
José Luiz Franco de Moura Mattos Júnior (PPGA/UNIFOR)
Edar da Silva Añaña (FURG)
Proponent: Maciel Manoel de Queiroz (FGV EAESP)
Moderator: Susana Carla Farias Pereira (FGV EAESP)
Denis Borenstein (EA UFRGS)
Márcio André Veras Machado (PPGA/UFPB)
Emílio José Montero Arruda Filho - President-Elect
Susana Carla Farias Pereira - Scientific Director
Marco Aurélio Marques Ferreira -Treasurer and Administrative Director
Patricia Guarnieri dos Santos – Director of Communications and Publications
Jorge Renato de Souza Verschoore Filho - Director for Education Affairs
With opening lecture by Professor Oana Branzei - Ivey Business School
Oana Branzei is the Paul MacPherson Chair in Strategic Leadership and Professor of Strategy and Sustainability at the Ivey Business School at Western University in Canada. She is also the founding Director of the HBA Sustainability Certificate program and the Master of Science Graduate Diploma in Sustainability; the founder, convener and host of PhD Sustainability Academy, an annual event of the Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability; and co-founder of the recently inaugurated virtual-based and accessible Spring Institute. Ivey’s champion for the United Nation’s Principles for Responsible Education for a decade (until 2019).
Professor Branzei, a Western Faculty Scholar (2018-2020) currently cross-appointed with Western University’s Centre for Climate Change, Sustainable Livelihoods and Health, vice chairs the Western University Research Board, represents Ivey on Western’s Senate, is an Advisory Board member for the Africa Institute, and sits on the Steering Committee for Western’s Carbon Solutions Fund.
Cocktail party is a social event where participants gather to enjoy drinks and snacks in an informal and relaxed atmosphere, take the opportunity to relax and socialize.
During the cocktail hour, participants can interact with other professionals in the same field, make new connections and exchange ideas in a more casual environment. It is an opportunity to establish new partnerships, strengthen relationships and discuss ideas outside the formal setting of technical sessions.
There will also be the award ceremony for the best papers in each division, the best paper at the event and the best reviewer for the journals RAC and BAR.
Paula Chimenti (Editor-in-Chief of RAC and COPPEAD/UFRJ)
Ricardo Limongi França Coelho (Editor-in-Chief of BAR and PPGADM/UFG and PPGAdm/UFU)
Prof. Emílio José Montero Arruda Filho - ANPAD President-Elect
Prof. Susana Carla Farias Pereira - ANPAD Scientific Director
Prof. Marco Aurélio Marques Ferreira - ANPAD Treasurer and Administrative Director
Prof. Patricia Guarnieri dos Santos - ANPAD Director of Communications and Publications
Prof. Jorge Renato de Souza Verschoore Filho - ANPAD Director for Education Affairs
Arbo Academy: plataforma educacional para correção em pares
Alexandre Araujo Cavalcante Soares
Antonio Messias Valdevino
Karla Juliana Pinheiro Melo
Da Ideia ao Projeto: Uma proposta de processo de integração com quatro modelos de Canvas
Claudio Marcio Campos De Mendonca
Recomendações para o Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas (IFAM) quanto a aplicabilidade do Vendor Managed Inventory nas compras de materiais
Caio Peixoto Chain
Jairo Moura dos Santos
Cybersecurity Capability Investments: Evidence of Learning from a Simulator
Angelica Pigola
Luís Fábio Cavalcanti da Silva
Priscila Rezende da Costa
Cleberson Braida Bastianello
Debora Bobsin
Julia Richter
Canvas para formação profissional de Planejamento Estratégico Ágil
Claudio Marcio Campos De Mendonca
Speaker: Ricardo Oliveira (YGT Ventures)
Ricardo Vinicius Bof de Oliveira, PhD in Chemistry from UFSC, has taught at universities in Brazil and abroad. He is the founder and CEO of YGT Ventures and Investments (Singapore) and a consultant for the Federation of Industries of Santa Catarina (FIESC, Brazil) in Corporate Venture and Innovation. Ricardo leads the acceleration of industrial tech startups, promoting and accelerating disruptive technologies with global impact. As co-founder of 2D Materials Pte Ltd, he was instrumental as CTO in developing innovations in graphene and other nanomaterials. He also actively contributes to the definition of international standards in nanotechnology in ISO committee TC229, promoting the dissemination of disruptive industrial technologies in innovation ecosystems around the world.
Moderator: Ana Augusta Ferreira (UECE)
Diagnóstico da Rede InovaGOV de Santa Catarina
Bruna Devens Fraga
Fernando Antonio Ribeiro Serra
Isabel Cristina Scafuto
Valdemilson De Assis Alves De Araujo
SIS-UICAM: Modelagem e Desenvolvimento do Sistema Web de Gerenciamento de Informações dos Povos Indígenas de COARI-AM
Ananda Maria Pinto Gomes
Claudio Afonso Peres
Eber Da Silva De Santana
Elizanias Da Silva Costa
Stephany Farias Cascaes
Programa de Formação Gerencial para a Alta Gestão – PROFGERAG
Beatriz Quiroz Villardi
Carla Condé Marques e Oliveira Bernhard
Implementação de empresa dedicada à expansão da consciência e transformação humana
Alice Erthal
Flavia Rocha Figueiredo Neves
Iara Raquel Garcia Silva
Minuta-Padrão de Regimento Interno para os Órgãos Colegiados da Ebserh
Arnaldo Provasi Lanzara
Michele Cardoso Contiero
Speaker: Daniel Leipnitz (Acate)
Daniel dos Santos Leipnitz: Graduated in Business Administration from the State University of Santa Catarina - ESAG, MBA in Global Administration from the Independent University of Lisbon - Portugal and Master in Business Administration from UDESC - State University of Santa Catarina. He is currently Corporate and Human Relations Director at Visto Sistemas and founder of Cidade Inovadora, Board Member of ACATE (Associação Catarinense de Tecnologia) where he was Chairman of the Board of Directors from 2020/2024, and President in the 2016/2020 term. President of the Brazil Israel Chamber - SC, he is Treasurer Director of the Euvaldo Lodi Institute of Santa Catarina (IEL), member of the Strategic Council of the Federation of Industries of the State of Santa Catarina (FIESC), Member of the board of the Global Counsil for Innovative Organizations in Dubai, Member of the Board of Agora Tech Park Joinville, as well as Hub Base 27 in Vitoria-ES, Member of the board of WTM International and ITH International Tech Hub, Member of the Board, partner and Advisor of several Startups traveled to more than 65 countries. Co-author and organizer of the books A Ponte para Inovação and Ponte para o Mundo. He is an honorary citizen of Florianópolis. He has won the highest honor from ACIF (Florianópolis Commercial and Industrial Association), the Business Merit Medal, the 50th Anniversary Medal from Sebrae Nacional for his services to Brazilian entrepreneurship, and is an ambassador for the Digital Brazil movement from ABES (Brazilian Software Association). He was TOP10 Hero/Heroine at the ABS Startup Awards (Brazilian Startup Association).
Jose da Assuncao Moutinho
Marcio Jose dos Santos
Roque Rabechini Junior
Mensuração de Impacto das Pesquisa e Agenda 2030: o caso da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Carla Bonato Marcolin
Helena Farias Ribeiro
Henrique Carvalho Oliveira
Jaluza Maria Lima Silva Borsatto
Luciano Ferreira da Silva
Nelson jose rosamilha
AGRO-GP Circular- Gestão de Projetos para Agronegócio Circular
José Luis Dalto
Julio Araujo Carneiro da Cunha
Marco Antonio Ferreira
Reginaldo Fidelis
Análise da viabilidade de implementação de uma empresa especializada em construção com terra em Campo Grande – MS
Caroliny Oliveira Cordeiro
Inteligência Artificial na Educação (IAE): Formação Docente em Administração da Informação e Tecnologia
Jeferson Freitas
Kristian Capeline
Luiz Pereira Pinheiro Junior
Marjorie Mariana De Abreu
Thiago Henrique Doerr
Speakers: João Calixto (CIEnP/UFSC),
Luiz Salomão (CoCreation Lab/UFSC),
Sebastião Nau (WEG),
Luciana Hashiba (FGV)
João B. Calixto has a degree in Biological Sciences from UnB (1973), a Master's in Pharmacology from Escola Paulista de Medicina (UNIFESP, 1976) and a PhD in Pharmacology from USP (1984). He was one of the founders of the Department of Pharmacology and the first coordinator of the postgraduate course in Pharmacology at UFSC. He is a full professor (retired) of Pharmacology at UFSC, a CNPq level IA researcher and a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences since 2000. Twice elected president of the Brazilian Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (SBFTE). He is currently the director of CIEnP, an international standard center that carries out preclinical research for the development of drugs and vaccines in accordance with good laboratory practices.
Luiz Salomão mechanical turner from SENAI, he has a degree in Industrial Design from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUC-PR), a master's and doctorate in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), and a doctorate in Industrial Engineering and Management from the University of Beira Interior (UBI - Portugal). He completed a post-doctorate in Branding at IADE-Creative University (Lisbon - Portugal) and in Creative Economy and Maker Spaces at Saxion University (Enschede - Netherlands). He is an associate professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, where he coordinated the Organizational Genesis Orientation Laboratory (LOGO) and the Sapiens Center project. He is deputy coordinator of REDE PRONTO3D, a network of FabLabs associated with MIT. He is currently a senior researcher in creative spaces and networks and CEO of TXM Methods. Since 2010, he has been editor of the indexed science magazine e-Revista LOGO. Father of Pedro, Luiz and Maria.
Sebastião is an Electrical Engineer with a Master's and PhD in Electrical Engineering from UFSC. He has 38 years' experience in Research, Development and Innovation as a researcher and manager. He is currently manager of WEG's Technological Innovation Management department, responsible for WEG's Innovation Management, Open Innovation and Intellectual Property, and WEG's spokesperson on the subject of “Innovation”. He is a member of several national organizations that focus on Research, Development and Innovation. He is also Professor of Electrical Engineering at CatólicaSC.
Mônica Cavalcanti Sá de Abreu (CA-AE/CNPq and PPAC/UFC)
Rosilene Marcon (CA-AE/CNPq and PPGA/UNIVALI)
Jacqueline Veneroso Alves da Cunha (CA-AE/CNPq and UFMG)
Moderator: Prof. Emílio José Montero Arruda Filho - ANPAD President-Elect and PPAD/UNAMA and UFPA
Proponent: Flavio Hourneaux Junior (PPGA/FEA/USP)
Sandro Cabral (Insper and NPGA/UFBA)
Adriana Marotti de Mello (PPGA/FEA/USP)
DA PESQUISA À INOVAÇÃO SOCIAL: proposição de um modelo de tecnologia social a partir do estudo da prática gourmet
Celina Maria De Souza Olivindo
Marcelo de Souza Bispo
O Uso de Dados na Gestão de Organizações de Saúde: Um Software de Gerenciamento de Exames Laboratoriais
Luana da Silva Alves
Sandro Luis Freire de Castro Silva
Saulo Barbará de Oliveira
Andrei Henning Salmoria
César Ricardo Maia de Vasconcelos
Joyce Mariella Medeiros Cavalcanti
Jose Da Silva Azanha Neto
Renato Penha
Sistema IOT (Internet of Things) para Gerenciamento de Spindles de Máquinas Ferramenta em Operação
Marcio Cardoso Machado
Mauro Luiz Martens
Rodrigo Franco Gonçalves
Thyago Bachim
Walter Cardoso Satyro
Gestão do Conhecimento no planejamento das compras públicas do INPI
Ricardo Thielmann
Thais Xavier de Paiva Ferreira
Speakers: Gabriel Klein Lunkes (Inova Talentos - IEL)
Daniel Lopes (SEBRAE/SC)
Gabriel Klein Lunkes is a Mechanical Engineer with a specialization in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. He currently works as an innovation specialist at IEL/SC, leading the team responsible for preparing projects for renowned companies, boosting operational efficiency, promoting a culture of innovation and contributing to the insertion of qualified professionals into the market.
Daniel holds a PhD in Business Administration from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation's São Paulo School of Business Administration (2019), a master's degree in Business Administration from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2014) and a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2010). He is currently Data Engineering & Analytics leader at SEBRAE/SC and Host at Strides Tech Community. He has taught at the Federal Institute of São Paulo, Faculdade 28 de Agosto and Centro Universitário FIEO.
Comportamento intraempreendedor para potencializar o sucesso dos projetos: proposta de instrumento de diagnóstico
Cristina Dai Prá Martens
Pedro Jose Martins Alvarez Fernandes
Tatiana Carneiro da Cunha de Elias
Aldrei Duarte de Almeida
Debora Bobsin
Maikol Rodrigo Rossi
Rômulo César Reisdorfer da Silva
Transformando o Imposto de Renda em Impacto Social
Agnes Bibielly Dias Grabowski
Aline Kely De Camargo Francisco
Mariana Mickosz Ravedutti Paul
Flavia Galindo
Roberta Cota Vitorino
Chatbot experimental de apoio à Secretaria de Stricto Sensu
Cristina Doritta Brandão Majorana
Fernando Luis Abegao Neto
Renata Benigna Gonçalves
Ricardo Zagallo Camargo
Alcides Luiz Neto
Speaker: Daniela Sales Valverde (Grupo Boticário)
Industrial Pharmacist graduated from the Federal University of Paraná. Postgraduate in Magistral Manipulation and Advanced Cosmetology from the Racine Institute, MBA in Marketing from the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing. 20 years' experience in companies in the cosmetics sector such as Croda, Ingredion, Avon and Seppic, as Technical and MKT Manager. She is currently a senior scientist, focusing on medium and long-term innovation, in the area of Research and Strategic Product Innovation at the Boticário Group.
Daniela Meirelles Andrade
Diego Pereira Costa
Ecossistema de Gestão da Graduação (Ecograd): Uma plataforma de dados para as IFES Brasileiras
José François Alves Ferreira Júnior
Jose Jorge Lima Dias Junior
Marcus Williams Aquino de Carvalho
Raquel Vigolvino Lopes
Williams Pessoa dos Santos
Fábio Almeida Ferreira
Marina Leite Vieira Lima
O Uso de Dados na Gestão de Ouvidorias
Luana da Silva Alves
Sandro Luis Freire de Castro Silva
Saulo Barbará de Oliveira
O que vamos produzir amanhã? Uso de scripts no processamento de pedidos de uma indústria alimentícia
Luiz Fernando Câmara Viana
Rafael de Macêdo Alves
Tatiane Alves de Melo
Lincoln Sposito
Luciano Ferreira da Silva
Speaker: Luiz E. Mello (IDOR)
The study of neuronal plasticity in its various forms represents the best definition of what my group investigates. On this broad theme we focus on 2 main areas: the process of epileptogenesis (how epilepsy develops on an animal) and strategies to modify it; the main features that differentiate rodents and primates (or across a broader range from C. elegans to mammals) at fundamental biological processes (e.g. immediate early genes). We use a host of techniques from neuropsychological inventories, to EEG and neurophysiological recordings, molecular biology, cell culture and in vivo models, from small invertebrates, to mice, rats, marmosets and humans.
Prof. Emílio José Montero Arruda Filho - ANPAD President-Elect
Prof. Susana Carla Farias Pereira - ANPAD Scientific Director
Prof. Marco Aurélio Marques Ferreira - ANPAD Treasurer and Administrative Director
Prof. Patricia Guarnieri dos Santos - ANPAD Director of Communications and Publications
Prof. Jorge Renato de Souza Verschoore Filho - ANPAD Director for Education Affairs
Individual Invitation: BRL 280.00
Milton Zuanazzi - Director of Programs - representing the Extraordinary Minister of Support for the Reconstruction of Rio Grande do Sul
Everaldo Daronco - Director of Innovation Environments at the Rio Grande do Sul Secretariat for Innovation, Science and Technology
Pablo Dalavera - Coordinator of the Central Única de Favelas (CUFARS)
Aurora Carneiro Zen (PPGA/UFRGS) - Representative of the PPGAs of RS
Mediator: Luis Felipe Nascimento (PPGA/UFRGS)
Proponent: Aline Cristiane Rocha Lacerda (Uniguaçu e UNILA)
Tabatha Becker Schmitt
Camila de Macedo da Silva
Karen Raphaele Cantaleano
Alcina Maria Rodrigues Fresta (UNIGUAÇU)
Proponent: Graziela Dias Alperstedt (ESAG/UDESC)
Ana Clarissa Matte Zanardo dos Santos (PPGAd/PUCRS)
Inessa Laura Salomão (CEFET-RJ)
Ivana aparecida Ferrer Silva (PPGA/UFMT)
Proponent: Ilan Avrichir (PPGA/ESPM)
Liliana Locatelli (Senior Consultant in the EU - Brazil Sector Dialogues Project - Geographical Indications).
Eder Jose da Costa Sacconi (Executive Director at Inova IFSP)
Felipe Costa Novo Malheiros (IFES)
Proponent: Alice de Freitas Oleto (FDC)
Antonia Aparecida Quintão (Mackenzie e PPGA/FEA/USP)
Sandra Maria Cerqueira da Silva (UEFS and FAT)
Alexandre de Almeida Faria (FGV/EBAPE)
Speaker: Ronaldo Couto Parente (FGV/EBAPE and Florida International University - USA)
Mediator: Fernando Antonio Ribeiro Serra (PPGA/UNINOVE)
Debater: Manuel Anibal Silva Portugal Vasconcelos Ferreira (Polytechnic Institute of Leiria - Portugal)
Carla Bonato Marcolin (PPGAdm/UFU and PPGCONT/UFRGS)
Eduardo de Rezende Francisco (FGV EAESP)
Ricardo Limongi França Coelho (PPGADM/UFG and PPGAdm/UFU)
Coordinator: Paulo Renato de Sousa (FDC)
Moderator: Fernando Luiz Emerenciano Viana (PPGA/UNIFOR)
Proponent: Marcia Maria dos Santos Bortolocci Espejo (PPGAD/UFMS)
Simone Bernardes Voese (UFPR)
Juliana Moreira dos Santos (PPGADM/UFPR)
Ana Paula Capuano da Cruz (PPGCont/FURG)
Paulo Savaget (Saïd Business School)
Paulo holds a joint appointment between the Department of Engineering Science and Saïd Business School. His primary fields of expertise are entrepreneurship, sustainable development, systems change, and innovation management. The emphasis of his work is on transforming unjust systems through entrepreneurship. Outside academia, he worked as an entrepreneur and as a consultant to large companies, governments, and intergovernmental organizations. He received his PhD from the University of Cambridge, as a Gates Scholar.
Kavita Miadaira Hamza (PPGA and MPE/FEA/USP)
Patrick Elf (Middlesex University, UK)
Beatriz Gondim Matos (PPGADM/UFCA and UFRN)
Andres Rodriguez Veloso (PPGA/FEA/USP)
Breno Strussmann (Diretor Executivo da Mercur, RS)
Prashant Chandmal Palvia (Bryan School of Business & Economics, North Carolina University)
Dr. Prashant Palvia is Joe Rosenthal Excellence Professor in the Bryan School of Business & Economics at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA. Prior to 39 years in academics, he had 9 years of industry experience. He received his Ph.D., MBA, and MS from the University of Minnesota and BS from the University of Delhi, India. Prof. Palvia received UNCG’s senior research excellence award in 2005. He has worked extensively in the field of Global Information Technology Management (GITM). He founded the Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA).
Professor Palvia is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Associate Editor for Information & Management and is on the editorial board of several journals. His research interests include global information technology management, healthcare IT, security and privacy, virtual teams, societal issues of IT, and media choice theory.
Fábio Frezatti - Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Daniel Magalhães Mucci - Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Ieda Margarete Oro - Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina (UNOESC)
Aurora Carneiro Zen (PPGA/EA/UFRGS)
Daniela Callegaro de Menezes (PPGA/EA and PPGAgro - CEPAN/UFRGS)
Bibiana Volkmer Martins (PPGAd UNISINOS)
Bruno Anicet Bittencourt (PPGAd UNISINOS)
Proponent: Armindo dos Santos de Sousa Teodósio (PPGA/PUC Minas)
Maurício Roque Serva de Oliveira (UFSC)
Flavia de Paula Duque Brasil F(JP)
Washington Jose de Sousa (PPGA/UFRN)
Carla Winter Afonso (UCP and PPGA/PUC Minas)
Jeferson Fernandes - Loreal Director of Operations
Paulo Renato Soares Terra (FGV/EAESP)
Igor Bernardi Sonza (PPGA/CCSH/UFSM)
Wilson Toshiro Nakamura (PPGA/Mackenzie)
Chahrazad Abdallah (Université du Québec à Montréal ESG UQAM and Visiting Professor at FDC/Brazil)
Diego René Gonzales Miranda (EAFIT - Colombia)
Marcelo de Souza Bispo (PPGA and PPGS/UFPB)
Natália Rese (PPGADM/UFPR)
Chahrazad Abdallah (Université du Québec à Montréal ESG UQAM and Visiting Professor at FDC/Brazil)
Diego René Gonzales Miranda (EAFIT - Colombia)
Marcelo de Souza Bispo (PPGA and PPGS/UFPB)
Natália Rese (PPGADM/UFPR)
Proponent: Marcelo Neves Gonçalves (PPGA/Mackenzie)
Edimara Mezzomo Luciano (PPGAd/PUCRS)
Josiane Brietzke Porto (PPGAdm/UNISINOS)
Claudia Terezinha Kniess (PPGA/CMA/UNISUL e UNIFESP)
Cid Torquato (CEO of ICOM Libras an former São Paulo's Municipal Secretary for People with Disabilities)
Luciana Florêncio de Almeida (MPCC e PPGA/ESPM)
Roberto Emilio Farina Filho (PPGA/ESPM )
Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes (PPGA/FEA/USP)
Selene de Souza Siqueira Soares (UFSC)
Bonnie Hayden Cheng (Hong Kong University, Hong Kong)
Dr. Cheng obtained her PhD degree in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management from the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Her research is dedicated to helping employees achieve and maintain well-being in the workplace. This includes understanding how and when workplace anxiety can enhance performance, recovering from daily job demands, and maintaining proactivity in the workplace. She has published in journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Her research has been featured in leading media sources such as The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The New York Times, and Harvard Business Review.
Eder Júnior Alvez (Verbi Software)
This activity requires previous registration and has limited spots.
To register access and fill the form:
Proponent: Américo da Costa Ramos Filho (PPGAd/UFF)
Mauricio Custódio Serafim (ESAG/UDESC)
Camila Braga Soares Pinto (COPPEAD/UFRJ and PPGAd/UFF)
Victor Couto Alves (PPGAd/UFF)
Robson Campos Leite
Valter Luís Barbieri Colombo - ENGIE Brasil
Talisa Rezzieri - ENGIE Brasil
Ilse Maria Beuren - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Speaker: Ulf Andersson (Mälardalen University)
Professor of Business Studies. His research focus subsidiaries in multinational enterprises. With a theoretical base in network theory his research concentrates on subsidiary evolution, knowledge development and transfer, and strategy and management in the multinational enterprise. He is further Adjunct Professor at BI Norwegian Business School, and Senior Editor of Journal of World Business. He primarily teaches in the programs International Business Management och International Marketing.
Mediator: Christian Daniel Falaster (PPGAd/CCSA/FURB)
Chantale Mailhot - HEC Montréal
Chantale Mailhot, M.Sc., Ph.D., is Full Professor in the Department of Management of HEC Montréal. She is a member of the Center for research on social innovations(CRISES) and the Pôle en gestion des entreprises sociales IDEOS. Her research focuses on social transformation from the perspective of practice. She is interested in the management of organizations that work towards social transformation, practices and the effects of these practices.
Speaker: Hélio Maungue - Center for African Studies at Eduardo Mondlane University (CEA/UEM)
Sociologist, Scientific Researcher at the Center for African Studies at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (CEA/UEM), Mozambique. PhD in Sociology and Political Science (2022) and Master in Political Sociology (2015) from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil. He has experience in Sociology, with an emphasis on General Sociology. As a scientific researcher he has research interests in areas related to issues of political behavior, political participation, gender relations, human rights, HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive health in general, social justice, public policies, rural sociology and development. She researches and collaborates in research on gender and women's participation in peace and security issues, on women's presence in public spaces, on sexual and reproductive health among adolescents and young people. For her doctorate she researched rural and agricultural development with a focus on small-scale farming in Development Corridors. She is currently part of the Mozambican team in the research project "Contribution(s) of the Non-Profit Sector to African Economies-with a specific focus on the creation of dignified and fulfilling work for young people in Africa", involving 17 countries and funded by the Mastercard Foundation.
Mediator: Jussara Jessica Pereira (FGV/EAESP)
Henrique Castro Martins (FGV/EAESP)
Newton Carneiro Affonso da Costa Jr. (PPGAdm/UFSC and PPAD/PUCPR)
Herbert Kimura (PPGA and PPGCont/UnB)
Daniela Cristina Antelmi Pigosso (DTU Construct)
Associate Professor at DTU Construct and Principal Investigator of an ERC Consolidator project (REBOUNDLESS). Works within the fields of Sustainable Design, Rebound Effects, and Circular Economy. Strong research and innovation activities demonstrated in 20+ national and international projects, carried out in close collaboration with industry. Member of the Advisory Board of the Design Society. Several high-impact publications, international recognition with impressive industrial impact.
Proponent: Kely Cesar Martins de Paiva (CEPEAD/UFMG)
Jane Kelly Dantas Barbosa (Unifei and CEPEAD/UFMG )
Silas Dias Mendes Costa (UFPE/UFRR e CEPEAD/UFMG)
Proponent: Maria Elisa Brandão Bernardes (FDC)
Eduardo Guedes Villar (IFSC)
Natália Rese (PPGADM/UFPR)
Rosalia Aldraci Barbosa Lavarda (UFSC)
Chahrazad Abdallah (Université du Québec à Montréal ESG UQAM)
Speaker: Luca Cian (Darden School of Business)
Luca Cian is a professor at the Darden School of Business. When he lived in Italy, the Italian Association of Psychology awarded his doctoral dissertation "Best Dissertation" in his division. The Council of Italian University Rectors, the Italian National Research Council, and the Italian Minister of Youth recognized him as one of the best young researchers in Italy. Luca was at the University of Michigan, Ross School of Business from 2010 to 2015 and has moved to the University of Virginia, Darden School of Business since then.
Christiane Andrea Molina Brockmann (EGADE Business School)
Dr. Christiane Molina is Research Professor in the Strategy and Leadership Department at EGADE Business School. She currently teaches corporate sustainability to MBA students and courses on strategic planning, innovation and sustainability, and planning models and processes at the State of Mexico Campus. She is a member of the SNI, (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores), Candidate level, Conacyt, and an active member of the Academy of Management in the divisions of international business and organization and administration. Dr. Molina’s research has been published in Business & Society magazine, and in Advances of International Management.
Marcelo Texeira (Tecnology 4.0 Manager at SENAI/SC)
Gustavo Cruz (Talent Manager at Dynamox)
Fernando Correa Grisi (Digital Entrepernuer, startup mentour and reseacher, IEL-SC e PPGAdm/UNISINOS)
Amarolinda Zanela Klein (PPGAdm/UNISINOS)
Betina Giehl Zanetti Ramos - Vice President of Relations at ACATE and Founder and President of Nanovetores.
Cristiane Iata - Representative of the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of Santa Catarina and Manager of Training for Future Professionals and Innovative Businesses at SCTI
Tulio Vinicius Duarte Christofoletti - Vice President of Ecosystem at the Santa Catarina Technology Association (ACATE) and Partner and COO at HarboR Inteligência Industrial
Tony Chierighini - Executive Director of the CERTI Foundation's CELTA Incubator and Vice-President of ANPROTEC
André Grützmann
Giana de Vargas Mores
(Theme leaders of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems of the ITE Division)
Amarolinda Zanela Klein (PPGAdm / UNISINOS)
Scientific Committee
Carla Bonato Marcolin (PPGAdm / UFU) - (PPGCONT / UFRGS)
Cristiane Drebes Pedron (PPGA / UNINOVE) - (PPGP / UNINOVE)
Guilherme Costa Wiedenhoft (PPGa - ICEAC / FURG)
Paulo Renato Soares Terra (FGV/EAESP)
Scientific Committee
Cristiane Benetti (ICN Business School) - (Conselho / FECAP)
Igor Bernardi Sonza (PPGA/CCSH / UFSM)
Luiz Eduardo Teixeira Brandão (IAG / PUC-Rio) - (McCombs School of Business / University of Texas at Austin)
Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri (CEPEAD / UFMG)
Scientific Committee
Fabio Bittencourt Meira (PPGA/EA / UFRGS)
Juliana Cristina Teixeira (PPGAdm / UFES)
Renata Alvarez Rossi (NPGA / UFBA) - (PDGS / UFBA)
Helio Arthur Reis Irigaray (FGV/EBAPE)
Scientific Committee
Anelise Rebelato Mozzato (PPGAdm/FEAC / UPF) - (PPEH/ UPF)
Jefferson Rodrigues Pereira (Programa de Mestrado Acadêmico / Centro Universitário Unihorizontes) - (Graduação / FDC)
Milka Alves Correia Barbosa (FEAC / UFAL) - (PPGDides / UNIVASF)
Marcelo de Souza Bispo (PPGA / UFPB) - (PPGS / UFPB)
Scientific Committee
Beatriz Quiroz Villardi (PPGE/UFRRJ)
Bárbara Galleli (PPGADM / UFPR)
Gracyanne Freire de Araujo (PROPADM/UFS) - (PROFIAP/UFS)
Christian Daniel Falaster (PPGAd/CCSA / FURB)
Scientific Committee
Clarice Secches Kogut (IAG / PUC-Rio)
Fábio Lotti Oliva (PPGA/FEA / USP) - (MPE/FEA / USP)
Keysa Manuela Cunha de Mascena (PPGA / UNIFOR)
Simone Sehnem (PPGA / UNOESC) - (PPGA/CMA / UNISUL)
Scientific Committee
Fernando Luiz Emerenciano Viana (PPGA / UNIFOR)
Maciel Manoel de Queiroz (FGV/EAESP)
Paulo Renato de Sousa (Prog de MestrProf em Admin: Gestão Contemporânea das Organizações / FDC)
Vinícius Costa da Silva Zonatto (PPGA/CCSH / UFSM)
Scientific Committee
Daniel Magalhães Mucci (PPGCC/FEA / USP)
Ilse Maria Beuren (PPGC/CSE / UFSC)
Monica Cavalcanti Sa de Abreu (PPAC / UFC)
Thiago Ferreira Dias (PPGP/CCSA / UFRN)
Scientific Committee
Eduardo José Grin (FGV/EAESP)
Maria Carolina Martinez Andion (ESAG / UDESC)
Morgana Gertrudes Martins Krieger (NPGA / UFBA)
Jorge Brantes Ferreira (IAG / PUC-Rio)
Scientific Committee
Ana Augusta Ferreira de Freitas (PPGA/ UECE)
Evandro Luiz Lopes (PPGA / ESPM) - (MPCC / ESPM)
Ricardo Limongi França Coelho (PPGADM / UFG) - (PPGAdm / UFU)
Leonardo Augusto de Vasconcelos Gomes (PPGA/FEA / USP)
Scientific Committee
José Augusto Lacerda Fernandes (PPGGP/NAEA / UFPA)
Paola Rücker Schaeffer (PPGN / UNISINOS)
Priscila Rezende da Costa (PPGA / UNINOVE)
Proponent: Anielson Barbosa da Silva (PPGA/UFPB)
Ana Lucia de Araujo Lima Coelho (PPGA and PGPCI/UFPB)
Anete Alberton (PPGA/UNIVALI)
Cláudio Marcio Campos de Mendonça (UFS)
Proponent: Letícia Dias Fantinel (UnB and PPGAdm/UFES)
Marlon Dalmoro (PPGA/EA/UFRGS)
Paola Schmitt Figueiro (FEEVALE)
Valderí de Castro Alcântara (CEPEAD/UFMG)
Regina Rodrigues Rodrigues (Climate Scientist - UFSC)
Marcos José Abreu (Agronomist and Master in Agroecosystems. State Representative - SC)
Proponent: Andrea Leite Rodrigues (EACH e PPGA/ESALQ/USP)
Fernando de Souza Coelho (EACH/USP)
Sandro Trescastro Bergue (TCE-RS)
Jessika Moreira (Executive Director of Pessoas à Frente Movement)
Proponent: Janaina Maria Bueno (UFU)
Aline Mendonça Fraga (UFPR and UCS)
Laura Alves Scherer (PPGA/UNIPAMPA)
Carlos Roberto Domingues (UFU)
Daniele Oliveira Ribeiro (Humanistic and Intercultural Psychologist with a focus on immigrants, member of the Board of SIETAR-BRASIL (Society For Intercultural Education, Training And Research) - 2024-2026)
Karen Tomaszewski Homen de Góes (Psychologist and Master in Social Psychology (UFMG), MBA in People Management (FGV), founder of Bloom - Intercultural and Professional Development, member of SIETAR Brasil and IACCP (International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology)).
Proponent: Andrea Lago da Silva (UFSCar)
Minelle Enéas da Silva (PPGA/UNIFOR)
Rafael Alcadipani da Silveira (FGV/EAESP)
Marina Dantas de Figueiredo (PPGA/UNIFOR)
Proponent: Sílvio Luís de Vasconcellos (PPGA/ESPM)
Dinorá Eliete Floriani (PPGA/UNIVALI)
Fernando Antonio Ribeiro Serra (PPGA/UNINOVE)
Michel Hermans (Universidad Austral – Argentina)
Vivian Iara Strehlau (PPGA e MPCC/ESPM)
Speaker: Jacobo Gómez-Conde - Universidade Autônoma de Madri (UAM)
Jacobo Gómez is a professor in the Accounting Department of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, within the Program of Excellence for University Teaching Staff (PRICIT). He holds a PhD in Financial Economics and Accounting from the University of Vigo and a degree in Business Administration and Management from the same university. His areas of interest include research in accounting and management control, as well as the uses of accounting information management. Jacobo has published his work in several journals, as well as being funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Fundación Ramón Areces, Santander Financial Institute, AECA, Fundación COTEC para la Innovación and FUNCAS, among others. He is currently editor of the Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad / Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting.
Moderator: Vinícius Costa da Silva Zonatto - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)
Paulo de Paula Baptista (PPAD e PPGCOOP/PUCPR )
Emily Ewell (CEO and Co-founder of Pantys)
Lucia Salmonson Guimarães Barros (FGV/EAESP)
Simone Regina Didonet (PPGADM/UFPR)
Luiza Dazzi Braga (FGV/EAESP)
Proponent: Luiz Pereira Pinheiro Junior (PPGA/UP)
Anatália Saraiva Martins Ramos (PPGA/UFRN)
Luis Hernan Contreras Pinochet (PPGA/FEA/USP)
Elaine Maria Tavares Rodrigues (COPPEAD/UFRJ)
Sérgio Castro Gomes (PPAD/UNAMA)
Simone Vasconcelos Ribeiro Galina (PPGAO/FEA-RP/USP)
Dércio Bernardes de Souza (UNIR)
Danylla Cassia Sousa da Silva (IFPA)
Proponent: Vicente da Rocha Soares Ferreira (PPGADM/UFG)
Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi (PPGADM/UFG)
Cláudia Souza Passador (PPGAO/FEA-RP/USP)
Marcos de Moraes Sousa (PPGADM/UFG and ProfEPT/Instituto Federal Goiano Campus Ceres)
Florencio Lopez de Silanes Molina (Skema Business School)
Professor of Finance and Associated Dean for Academic Strategy. He has also been a professor at Harvard University, Yale University, the University of Amsterdam, EDHEC, and the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. His lifetime academic citations place him among the three most widely cited business authors in the world according to the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) and Thomson Scientific’s Essential Science indicators. His research interests and main publications are in corporate finance, corporate governance, family firms, law and finance, regulation of financial markets and banks, state-owned enterprises, and legal reform and deregulation.
Edilson Paulo - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Celesc Professional - Centrais Elétricas de Santa Catarina (CELESC)
Hans Michael Van Bellen - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Proponent: Caio Coelho (ESALQ/USP)
Fernando Ressetti Pinheiro Marques Vianna (PPGA/UTFPR)
Jussara Jessica Pereira (FGV/EAESP)
Denise Franca Barros (PPGAd/UFF)
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