Sept. 16 - 18, 2024

48th ANPAD Annual Meeting
EnANPAD 2024

Important Information

Instructions for paper presentations:


  • We suggest this template for your presentations

Other information:

  • Take some time before the event to check the day and time of the session you will participate in (Detailed Schedule available on August 6th). 
  • All papers will be available for download (until August 12th). You have to log in to the iANPAD system and access them through the detailed schedule by clicking on the document’s ID.
  • To enter, please, identify yourself with your ID.
  • The paper presentation sessions will be held in three formats: traditional, interactive, or enhancement sessions.
  • In the traditional session, each paper is presented in 15 minutes using a slideshow. The participants debate the studies immediately after each presentation or at the end of the session (at the discretion of the session coordinator).
  • The interactive session allows for greater integration and exchanges between researchers with common interests. Participants have more time to debate ideas and discuss issues in-depth. It is crucial to read the papers before the session for maximum participation.
  • In the enhancement session the authors/presenters read each other’s papers. The authors have 10 minutes each to present their papers (slideshows are not used in this session), which will be discussed with the other authors/presenters at the end of the last presentation. This session stimulates the interaction among authors and only secondarily, with the audience (we suggest the attendees read the papers prior to the session).
  • The session coordinator is responsible for organizing the participants, controlling the time, and closing the session at the right time.
  • The debaters are responsible for guiding the authors in the discussions, addressing the theme and questions asked.
  • All online certificates will be available by October 31st, 2024.

Please contact us should you have any questions