Sept. 10 - 11, 2024

22nd ANPAD Doctoral Consortium
Pre-event and 2024 ANPAD Doctoral Consortium

Sept. 10 - 11, 2024
  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds
  • On-line

    Coordenation: Prof. Andrea Leite Rodrigues - PMGPP EACH and PPGA ESALQ USP

    The pre-event will be held online and open to the public. 

    There is no need to pre-register.



    Tuesday, September 10th


    9h am – 9h10- Click here to access the zoom meeting room

    Opening speech

    Prof. Susana Carla Farias Pereira - ANPAD Scientifc Director
    Prof. Andrea Leite Rodrigues - Pre event Coordenator


    9h10 am – 12h- Click here to access the zoom meeting room

    Decolonizing management research and teaching in Brazil: integrating theories and methodologies from the global south

    Facilitator: Marlei Pozzebon – professor at HEC Montreal & FGV EAESP

    Aline Gonçalves – FGV EAESP
    Ana Clara Souza – HEC Montreal
    Juliana Rodrigues –  Aalto University & FGV-EAESP
    Marcela Nery – reasearchers HWR Berlin for German Chancellor Fellowship
    Morgana Krieger – UFBA
    Silvia Follador –  FGV EAESP e pesquisadora afiliada ao WGS do MIT
    Teresa Harari – Instituto de Pesquisa e Formação Indígena

    This workshop aims to discuss, in a frank and unpretentious way, the following question: How can we decolonize management research and teaching in Brazil? We are all learning how to face this challenge. We will share some concrete examples of decolonizing tactics in the theoretical and methodological domains. The workshop will be structured as follows:

    • 9h10 am – 10h10 – Contextualization of the theme: Decolonizing management research and teaching in Brazil, integrating theories and methodologies from the South
    • 10h10 am – 10h30 – Coffee break
    • 10h30 am – 12h – Concrete examples and decolonizing tactics in the theoretical and methodological fields.

    On the matter:

    Postcolonial ideas have been increasingly debated, revealing imbalances of power/knowledge linked to a symbolic and material architecture - Western - that tends to present itself as universal and central, placing the rest of the world as the periphery.  Less well known under the broad post-colonial umbrella, the decolonial current was consolidated in Latin America in the 1990s with names such as Walter Mignolo, Aníbal Quijano, Catherine Walsh and María Lugones. Decolonial concepts - epistemic disobedience, epistemic interculturality, border thinking, learning to unlearn, among many others - have inspired a growing number of people in universities and social movements, seeking to break with Western-based epistemic hegemony and highlight the existence of alternative voices/knowledges, promoting passionate debate.

    In the field of management, the consequences of Western (i.e. Euro-US) hegemony are evident. Back in 1997, Abdalla and Faria published an article highlighting the subordinate position occupied by Brazil - as well as a large part of the countries of the Global South - in the field of production and dissemination of knowledge in administration/management. In denouncing the long-standing picture of asymmetry and injustice that dominated the field, the authors pointed to the potential of the decolonial perspective to change this imbalance. We are now in 2024 and, although for many colleagues the truth has “sunk in” about the harmful effects of this subalternity, both in understanding and discussing our regional problems, of which there are many, and the global ones that inexorably affect us, the process of decolonizing management teaching and research is still taking its first timid steps in Brazil. 


    Wednesday, September 11th


    9h am – 10h20 - Click here to access the zoom meeting room

    Developing Connections for Engagement and Action: how do we create a collaborative agenda for sustainable consumption and sustainable production research?

    Proponent: Ana Paula Ferreira Alves - IFRS
    Jennifer Dianne Russell - PPGAD/UFMS
    Adriane A. Farias Santos Lopes de Queiroz - PPGES/UFMS 
    Marcia Dutra de Barcellos - PPGA/EA/UFRGS
    Luis Henrique Pereira - FGV EAESP


    10h40 am – 12h - Click here to access the zoom meeting room

    Sustainability, Sustainable Universities and University Planning

    Proponent: Denize Grzybovski 
    Enise Barth - UFFS and UFSC
    José Alberto Carvalho dos Santos Claro - UNIFESP
    Luiz Victor Pittella Siqueira - UFSC


    Doctoral Consortium Boards Schedule

    September 10th, 2024


    September 11th, 2024