Jan 1 - 02, 2003

3Es 2003

Jan 1 - 02, 2003
  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds
  • Curitiba / PR
    Curitiba / PRMay, 2003, 18 to 20 The First Strategy Studies Meeting (3Es) took place on May 18, 19, and 20, 2003 in Curitiba/PR as an initiative of the National Association of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Administration (ANPAD) under the joint responsibility of two programs affiliated to the Association: The National Association of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Administration of the Federal University of Paraná (CEPPAD/UFPR) and the Post-Graduate Program in Administration from the Pontific Catholic University of Paraná (PPAD/PUCPR).The general objective of the event was to assist in developing the area of studies in strategy in Brazil.The event began with the speech A Decade of Scientific Production in Corporate Strategy by Clóvis L. Machado-da-Silva (ANPAD and CEPPAD/UFPR) along with the speakers Carlos Osmar Bertero (EAESP/FGV) and Flávio Carvalho de Vasconcelos (EAESP/FGV).Another highlight of the event was the round table Quantitative and Qualitative Paths toward Research in Strategy in Brazil: Confrontation or Conversation between Alternative Approaches? Coordinated by Sergio Bulgacov (CEPPAD/UFPR) with participants Clóvis L. Machado-da-Silva (ANPAD (Brazilian Academy of Management/BAM) and CEPPAD/UFPR), Jorge Ferreira da Silva (IAG/PUC-Rio), Tomás de Aquino Guimarães (CMA/UnB), and Walter Fernando Araújo de Moraes (PROPAD/UFPE).3Es in numbersPapers submitted: 438Papers selected: 96Participantes: 212