In this event, ANPAD will recognize researchers and studies with institutional awards as follows:
- Raimar Richers Award for the best research of the Division. The award honors Richers for his invaluable contribution to the development of the area of Marketing in Brazil. The best research is selected among the best studies appointed in each theme by the Scientific Committee, Chair of the Division, and Scientific Director, together with an external invited member.
- The awarded research will be entitled to fast-track the reviewing process in one of the ANPAD journals (RAC or BAR).
- All award nominees will receive an “honorable mention” certificate.
- Award for the Best Paper based on a Doctoral Dissertation (ANNEX I). The awarded paper will be selected by the ANPAD Scientific Committee, Chair of the Division, and Scientific Director.
- Award for the Best Paper based on a Master’s Thesis (ANNEX I). The awarded paper will be selected by the ANPAD Scientific Committee, Chair of the Division, and Scientific Director.
- Award for Best Reviewer (ANNEX II), to be chosen by the Scientific Committee, Chair of the Division, and Scientific Director, among those nominated by the leaders of interest groups.
- Award for Best Technological Paper or Best Paper based on a Professional Master’s Thesis or Professional Doctoral Dissertation (ANNEX III). The awarded papers will be selected by the ANPAD Scientific Committee and Chair of the Division.
- Young Researcher Award (ANNEX IV), to be chosen by the Scientific Committee, Chair of the Division, and Scientific Director, based on the following criteria:
- Academic performance, evaluated in terms of journal editing or reviewing papers submitted to journals or scientific events, leadership of interest groups, performance as chair of divisions, work with the agencies CAPES, CNPq, and/or support foundations and similar activities. All these activities must reflect the ad honorem performance of the awardee to advance issues related to the Division;
- The nominee must have a maximum of 8 years since their last doctoral degree.
- Adherence to Division research themes;
- Relevance of scientific production over the last eight years;
- Academic Achievement Award – Lifetime Achievement (ANNEX V). The awarded individual is selected by the ANPAD Scientific Director and the President, from a triple list indicated by the Division, based on the following criteria:
- Academic performance, evaluated in terms of journal editing or their work as a reviewer, the leadership of interest groups, to have chaired or being a member of the ANPAD Divisions, work with the agencies CAPES, CNPq, and/or support foundations and similar activities. All these activities must reflect the ad honorem performance of the awardee to advance issues related to the Division;
- External recognition, based on approval of scholarships (types “Bolsa DT” – based on contribution for technological development; “Bolsa PQ” – based on scientific production, or similar), and/or at least three projects with extra IES funding;
- Relevance of scientific production over the last ten years;
- Recognition Award for Services Rendered to the Brazilian Academy of Marketing – MARKETING FELLOW (ANNEX VI), to be chosen by the ANPAD President, Scientific Committee, Chair of the Division, and Scientific Director. The award honors the researcher with the highest contribution to the growth of the Brazilian Academy of Marketing based on the following criteria:
- Hold at least a doctoral degree;
- Be Brazilian or a foreigner with a valid visa;
- The awarded researcher may be retired as long as they maintain academic-scientific activities officially linked to research and teaching institutions;
- Have frequent and effective participation in ANPAD conferences;
- Have been an active participant on boards, editorials, scientific and editorial committees, special committees, and Brazilian and international representation committees, among others, relevant to the growth of the Brazilian Academy of Marketing;
- Be recognized by the award committee as a researcher who contributes significantly to the development of the area;
- Have a minimum academic experience of 20 years in teaching and research;
- Be a member of ANPAD.
- Award for the Best Marketing Article Published in International Journals (ANNEX VII) by authors affiliated with graduate programs at Brazilian institutions, selected by the Scientific Committee, Chair of the Division, and Scientific Director, among the three works that obtained the best grades from the award committee. The following criteria apply:
- Research’s contribution to the advancement of knowledge in marketing;
- Methodological rigor;
- Impact of the publication;
- Article’s structure and consistency.
- Award for the Best Marketing Article Published in Brazilian Journals (ANNEX VIII) by authors affiliated with graduate programs at Brazilian institutions, selected by the Scientific Committee, Chair of the Division, and Scientific Director, among the three papers that obtained the best grades from the award committee. The following criteria apply:
- Research’s contribution to the advancement of knowledge in marketing;
- Methodological rigor;
- Impact of the publication;
- Article’s structure and consistency.
- Distinction for Training Marketing Researchers Award (ANNEX IX), selected by the Scientific Committee, Chair of the Division, and Scientific Director, based on the following criteria:
- Hold at least a doctoral degree;
- Be Brazilian or a foreigner with a valid visa;
- The awarded researcher may be retired as long as they maintain academic-scientific activities officially linked to research and teaching institutions;
- Have frequent and effective participation in ANPAD conferences;
- Have been an active participant on boards, editorials, scientific and editorial committees, special committees, Brazilian and international representation committees, among others, relevant to the growth of the Brazilian Academy of Marketing;
- Be recognized by the award committee as a researcher who contributes significantly to the development of the area;
Have a minimum academic experience of 20 years in teaching and research;
- Be a member of ANPAD.
- Outstanding Student Award in Marketing (ANNEX X), selected by the Scientific Committee, Chair of the Division, and Scientific Director, among the students nominated by their respective advisors, based on the following criteria:
- Innovation and relevance of research: originality and potential impact of the student’s research throughout their academic career for theoretical or practical advances in the field of Marketing;
- Academic performance: evaluation of grades and active participation in courses and seminars;
- Publications and presentations: quality and quantity of research papers published and presented at conferences or journals;
- Engagement with the academic community: participation in research groups, teaching assistance, or other activities that contribute to the academic community.
Click here to access the complete prize announcements